Air Moons: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius


Air reminds us that sound travels as waves. The source of sound is something that creates vibrations. Breath stirs movement in the leaves on the trees, a reciprocal exchange of shared communication on a cellular level.

Air knows that words create worlds. And that communication manifests as relationships.

Learn more about the Air signs below as a way to connect with their unique signature energy each lunar cycle. New Moon seasonal times for each water sign are included.

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Exploring the energy of the moon in air signs is a way to get in touch with how you communicate, relate, and create networks through the airwaves.


It can take the form of a whisper, a tweet, gossip, or a philosophical debate. A gust of wind, a tornado, a buzzing bee, a single word or an epic trilogy. Air is the movement of the mind, the thoughts, and the internet.

Air wants to be listened to and to listen. To relate with the self, a partner, and the collective. Air is invisible yet can be harnessed to create meaning through the vibration of sound and exchange of ideas.

The moon connects us with wise and loving Mother energy. Known as a “personal planet” in astrology, the moon represents the needs of the inner child, the inner world, moods and emotions, and shows us how we feel at home with ourselves and in the world.

In Western Astrology there are three air signs that the sun, moon, and all the other planets travel through: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

If your natal moon sign is one of the air signs, observe when and how you feel most at home with yourself.

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Gemini: The BUZZ

+ Let curiosity be your guide.

+ Can you hear the bees buzzing, or is that your mind?

+ You are in research and collection mode. Everything is speaking to you. Listen with every pore to the sounds in nature.

+ Fine tune the vibration of your communication, catch your breath, and delight in exchanges and conversation. Communication is the foundation of relationships.

Get ready to open a new chapter in your book for the New Moon in Gemini in May/June. This mutable air sign brings mental stimulation and the desire to connect and share.


+ Be the equinox, the ‘both and’, the yin and yang, negotiating the scales to navigate inner marriage and harmony.

+ Can everyone get what they want in a way that is fair and makes everyone happy? Try not to lose your voice by pleasing others.

+ Teamwork makes the dream work!

+ With beauty and justice for all…

Seek balance in partnerships for the New Moon in Air in September/October. This cardinal air sign seeks to know the self through the other and harmonize polarities.

AqUarius: The CURRENT

+ Tap into your uniqueness to reinvent yourself. Your unconventional way of being may inspire others to liberate themselves from the fear of what others may think as well.

+ The air around you may make you seem aloof, detached, or like an untouchable enigma from some other time and space. You know you care deeply about others.

+ Your quest may be to answer the question: Who is the we? and Where do I belong?

+ Let your knowledge and innovation pour forth to elevate the collective.

Feel the electrical current of the New Moon in Aquarius in January/February. This fixed air sign will liberate consciousness by encouraging progress to the next stage of development.

Air Moons Every Month

Since the moon spends about 2.5 days in each zodiac sign, we have an opportunity to connect with the energy, gifts, and lessons of each of the signs of the zodiac every single lunar cycle.

There are three air moons x 12 months = which equals at least 36 air moons every year. Plenty of opportunities to be more social and share your voice!

Want to learn more? Know Your Moon is designed to help you embody your natal moon in her element.


ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Find your natal moon sign and phase: Personalize the Moon.

Deepen your connection with earth moons by charting your journey on the New Moon Calendar Journal.