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The New Moon Calendar Journal is a beautiful tool for cultivating cyclical awareness and practicing self-study. It provides a spacious structure to chart daily practices on a circular calendar, plant seeds of intention, create unique moon mandalas, and deepen your relationship with inner and outer cycles over time.

Each lunar cycle has six pages to chart your journey of growth, transformation, release, and renewal.


Page 1 Moon Mandala

Create a mandala for each lunar cycle to express a vision for what is to come. Paint, collage, write, draw - use any materials that resonate with you.



Page 2 Seeds of Intentions

Identify the practices, behaviors, and attitudes that will support the realization of your vision. Plant seeds of intention by drawing symbols or writing statements such as "I invite... I am... I honor... I am open to..."



Page 3 Circular Calendar

Nurture and tend to your seeds through daily charting of experiences, moods, and personal practices. The insight you gain into your own patterns and rhythms will help you better align with your intentions.



Page 4-5 Daily Observation

These pages provide space to record additional observations with each phase of the moon. What is the tone of your day? What are you noticing? How are you influenced by the waxing and waning of the moon?



Page 6 Reflect and Release

Before moving on to the next lunar cycle, take time to reflect on what you have learned. What came to fruition? What themes emerged?

What are you ready to let go of? Which seeds will you carry forward?


 working with the New Moon calendar journal

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Attuning to lunar time helps us be present with every stage and phase of the unfolding process, and to live in more harmony with life’s cyclical nature.

The circular calendar establishes the new moon as the starting point for each monthly cycle. This can help you to perceive time in relation to nature more clearly, and patterns in your own experience become more apparent. 

  • Record and track your emotional, physical, and creative cycles over time

  • Deepen your connection to natural rhythms and expand your practice of self-awareness 

  • Shift your perception of time as linear and connect with the moon to repair your relationship with cycles

Tracking your experience within a circular lunar calendar shifts your relationship with time and can bring more ease to how you experience the many transitions in life.

this calendar journal is designed to hold your experience as you deepen your connection with inner and outer cycles with daily practice over time

It provides a structure for daily observation and self-study and supports bringing your vision and intentions to fruition.

There is no one right way to work with this tool, as with any relationship it becomes more intimate and meaningful through exploration and experimentation. You get to make it your own!


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Practicing lunar tracking on the New Moon Calendar Journal can help you identify themes and patterns, learn when to go and when to slow, and deepen cyclical awareness to be more “in-season” with yourself.

Lunar tracking establishes a connection between our inner landscape and the outer seasons

This supports you develop a greater awareness of subtle shifts in energy to become more responsive to change. Here are some examples from women and lunar folks who have worked with this tool:

"Tracking my moods and cycle have been life changing. It has allowed me to see and tune into my feelings and when I need some extra self care and love."

"It's pretty incredible the way the moon's energy affects me; it's not something I truly anticipated when I started journaling. I discovered that I become incredibly irritable and short with others in the handful of days leading up to a full moon. I focus my meditative practice during that time to channel my energy towards being empathetic and patient."

"I am beginning to see that the intentions I set can manifest when I attend to them. Life really is a garden!"

"I am very hard on myself. I feel like I'm never doing enough or making any progress in the things I want to do. Through using the new moon calendar I have realized how much I go through in a cycle. I am giving myself more credit for what I do accomplish and am learning to be kinder to myself when my goals need more time. I have also seen how much of my energy I give away to others and have been making more space for what I need to nourish myself."

"At the end of the cycle I seem to automatically know what the next cycle will be "about". I've journaled for years, but it's so nice to tie it into my own natural rhythms like this. It's way more meaningful that way!"


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The moon is a beautiful beacon in the sky reminding us that everything is a phase. 

Recording your experience within a circular lunar calendar shifts your relationship with time and how you experience life’s many transitions and initiations. The circle holds us within an embrace as we start new practices, break old habits, and continuously cycle back to our true selves.

You can work with the New Moon Calendar Journal to:

  • support a daily meditation practice

  • establish meaningful rituals throughout the cycle

  • observe changing energetic and emotional states

  • create sacred space to practice self-study

  • color-code specific daily habits such as working with a flower essences

  • use as a dream journal, food/allergy log, or gratitude journal

  • write in astrological data that you want to track

  • notice moods, appetite, fertility and the menstrual cycle (if this applies to you)

  • develop a lunar phonology record and tune into weather patterns and seasonal shifts

  • set intentions and observe their unfolding

No matter how you work with the New Moon Calendar Journal - it serves as a mirror to see yourself more clearly in relationship with inner and outer cycles, affirming your existence as a cyclical being and offers support on your journey to attune to lunar time.



The theme of the 2024 New Moon Calendar Journal, Lunar Wall Calendar, and At-a-Glance Poster is the Lunar Harvest Cycle with artwork that reflects the process of the seed unfolding from germination to fruition.