what is lunar tracking?
Lunar tracking establishes a connection between our inner landscape and the outer seasons and phases.
Practicing lunar tracking can help you identify themes and patterns, learn when to go and when to slow, and deepen cyclical awareness to be more “in-season” with yourself.
This helps to develop a greater awareness of subtle shifts in energy and become more responsive to change and bring more ease to the daily transitions in life.
It serves as a mirror to see yourself more clearly in relationship with cycles, affirming your existence as a cyclical being and supporting your journey to attune to lunar time.
It’s like having a daily accountability partner, but with the moon!

Quotes about self-study in relationship with cycles
Benefits of lunar tracking
be present with every stage and phase of the unfolding process
live in more harmony with life’s cyclical nature
cultivate more steadiness throughout all the seasons of your life
see yourself more clearly in relationship with cycles
the new moon calendar journal has six pages for Each lunar cycle to chart your journey with the moon ↓
#1 circular calendar
Nurture and tend to your seeds through daily charting of experiences, moods, and personal practices. The insight you gain into your own patterns and rhythms will help you better align with your intentions.
#2 moon mandala
Create a mandala for each lunar cycle to express a vision for what is to come. Paint, collage, write, draw - use any materials that resonate with you.
#3 seeds of intention
Identify the practices, behaviors, and attitudes that will support the realization of your vision.
Plant seeds of intention by drawing symbols or writing statements such as "I invite... I am... I honor... I am open to..."
#4-5 daily observation
These pages provide space to record additional observations with each phase of the moon. What is the tone of your day? What are you noticing? How are you influenced by the waxing and waning of the moon?
#6 Reflect and Release
Before moving on to the next lunar cycle, take time to reflect on what you have learned. What came to fruition? What themes emerged?
What are you ready to let go of? Which seeds will you carry forward?

You can work with the New Moon Calendar Journal to:
support a daily meditation practice
create sacred space to practice self-study
establish meaningful rituals throughout the cycle
observe changing energetic and emotional states
color-code specific daily habits, such as working with flower essences or mantras
use as a dream journal, food/allergy log, or joy journal
write in astrological data you want to track
notice moods, appetite, and the menstrual cycle (if you bleed)
develop a lunar phonology record with weather patterns and bioregional plant growth
set intentions and observe their unfolding
Identify the practices, behaviors, and attitudes that will support the realization of your vision.
Plant seeds of intention by drawing symbols or writing statements such as "I invite... I am... I honor... I am open to..."
moon mandala examples

Circles represent wholeness, they are containers of sacred space.
Mandalas are powerful tools for connecting with your heart’s desire. You do not need to consider yourself an artist to create a moon mandala.
By placing words, images, and symbols inside a circle, you attract and focus energy on what you wish to call into your life. Creating a mandala for the new moon gives form to your intentions, which is a step toward realizing them in the material, earthly realm.
It is a non- linear way to uncover themes and reveal insights that can guide you throughout the cycle.
The wording for your intentions may become clear after creating a mandala, or the visuals may arise after writing your intentions.
You can even add to it throughout the lunar cycle. This space allows you to discover a process you enjoy!

Modern society does not leave much room for reflection and digestion. Many of us feel rushed to go the next thing, always feeling behind.
These pages are designed for recording a snapshot of the themes and mood each day. Some days may feel mundane, others more magical.
At the end of each cycle, or during the waning you might wish to reflect on:
What came to fruition?
What themes emerged?
What are you ready to let go of?
Which seeds will you carry forward?
Lunar tracking teaches us to be present with each phase. There isn’t one formula or method - it’s about being in relationship and witnessing the inner landscape while connecting with the cycles in nature.
From this simple practice, so much is revealed.