lunar clockwork
The moon is often associated with the night, however that’s only half the story. This mini moon lesson is designed to help you learn about the lunar clockwork so you can locate the moon at any point in the cycle, day or night.
I recorded a very special audio to follow along with the rising and setting of the lunar phases throughout the cycle. You are invited to listen here: Finding the Phases
This is especially helpful if you are an auditory learner. I’ve seen many people have “lightbulb” moments after they listen to this transmission
moon phase photos
Connecting with the moon is a relationship that takes time. It takes living on the moons terms and learning from each phase of the cycle. This helps us live in receptivity and more harmony with the cyclical nature of life.
The moon is often associated with the night, however that’s only half the story. Our lunar companion travels in the daytime sky as much as she does in the night.
For example:
At the new moon phase, the moon travels 100% in the daytime.
At the full moon phase, the moon travels 100% in the night.
This is an example of the inherent balance within the polarities that exist within the lunar cycle.
Such beautiful symmetry.
Starting at sunrise on the new moon, the moon rises about 50 minutes later each day. This occurs because the moon takes slightly longer than 24 hours to line up with the same point on the earth.
Pause … breath and get ready to enter into left brain logical analytical mode ... the simple math goes like this:
50 minutes rising later each day x 29.5 days in a lunar cycle = 24 hours
Magic! So after a full cycle of 29.5 days, the moon resets and rises again at sunrise.
A clockwork unto itself.
INQUIRY: When do you usually see the moon in the sky?
How do you relate to the fluctuations of the changing phases of the moon cycle?
Which phases is most speaking to you in this season in your life?
What is a barrier that keeps you from being able to embody the rhythm of the moon?
waxing and waning crescent moons