Find Your Progressed Moon Sign
What is the Progressed Moon?
It is a symbolic predictive tool for understanding the tone of your lived experience. It starts with the sign and degree of your natal moon and then progresses, or advances, one degree per month for your entire life.
Since there are 30 degrees in each zodiac sign, this means that the Progressed Moon will change signs every 2.5 years (or every 30 months). Also called the secondary progressed moon, charting this cycle gives insight into your own emotional and spiritual development.
Image by Athanasius Kircherin 1600’s with composite contemporary zodiac glyphs
Why this is Significant?
It can feel like putting on a whole new wardrobe and exploring each of the zodiac signs from the inside out. It is an opportunity to mix things up, experience different dimensions of life, access deeper embodied understanding of the archetypes, and gain more compassion for yourself others in the process.
In an article by astrologer Brian Clark, he write: “One of Luna’s spheres is ‘feeling memory’. Mnemosyne was the mother of the muses and the personification of memory: ‘lunar memory’. Through the progressed moon’s movement we encounter her weaving the threads of our personal myth.”
how to calculate the progressed moon
Locate your birth time and place. Go to the Progressed Moon Online Astrology Calculator and put in your data.
Then it will show you the date that the moon will progress into the each of the signs (as well as the houses).
what does it mean?
After you have found which sign your progressed moon is in, check out the descriptions from Cafe Astrology. They have the most concise descriptions that I have come across, for example:
Progressed Moon in Aries
The focus at this phase of life is on outward-oriented energy and action. We look for direct confrontations, challenges, and stimulation during this period of our lives. We have newfound courage. We focus on new beginnings, fresh starts, and new projects, because we now feel motivated in these directions.
Of course everyone experiences secondary progressions in their own unique way, which is why having a practice of lunar tracking is so important!
The New Moon Calendar Journal is available in the shop! Order your copy today.
This simple and beautiful circular calendar and journal establishes the new moon as the starting point for each monthly cycle. By using a circular calendar you perceive time in relation to nature more clearly, and patterns in your own experience become more apparent. It provides a structure for connecting to your inner wisdom and natural rhythms.