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Wisdom of Waning


After the full moon, the lunar cycle begins to wind down and opens the space of reflection,  gratitude, honoring, celebration, at times disappointment, and release. The waning moon represent the journey inward.

The waning time of the lunar cycle is a death practice, it’s a releasing and unraveling so that something new can take form. You can honor this phase by clearing out the old and making way for something new to arise and be born through you.

inquiries for connecting with the wisdom of waning:

  • Are you trying to “push through” rather than listening to the need for rest?

  • Is there something or someone that you need to say goodbye to?

  • Do you notice yourself resisting change?

The waning phase of life is often rushed over - in the garden it’s when all the crops have produced their last fruit and everything is starting to rot. This is not a pretty time - and many people will look away to avoid seeing what becomes of the flower and fruit once the cycle comes to a close.

And yet it is the composting, the breaking down which prepares the ground to be fertile again. It is a time to transition from the more active energy of the waxing phases to the more receptive qualities of the waning phases. Creativity, productivity, and the expression of fullness rely on down-time to rest, digest and integrate.



Often things come to the surface around the full moon: intense emotions, heightened awareness, old patterns, breakthroughs, charged interactions. The waning time is an opportunity to process some of these challenges.

Notice what the quality of your experiences are like on the days following the full moon. The intensity may depend on whether you emotion, physical, and spiritual needs are being met or not.

DISCOVER what is asking to be transformed:

  • What beliefs or behaviors are standing in the way of your full expression?

  • What situations no longer feel aligned or have become depleting?

  • What relationships need tending to, or perhaps ending?

  • What do you need to let go of or dead head (a gardening term that means to prune back to the essence)?

These inquiries can be a practice that connects you with the seeds of your inner wisdom through cycle awareness. When you experience each lunar cycle as a unique journey of expression and reflection, this can allow space for every phase of the cycle - not just productivity.

This short video explores when the waning moon is in the sky and why it is more challenging to connect with the moon in this phase - and yet so worth the effort.

The 2022 edition of the New Moon Calendar Journal and Moon Mandala Wall Calendar are available in the shop! Order your copy today.

This simple and beautiful circular calendar establishes the new moon as the starting point for each monthly cycle. By using a circular calendar you perceive time in relation to nature more clearly, and patterns in your own experience become more apparent. It provides a structure for connecting to your inner wisdom and natural rhythms.